Words to Live by

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility comes from being superior to your former self.”― Ernest Hemingway

Saturday 2 May 2015

5 Weekend Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

 1. Find a recharge ritual

Find a ritual that you can follow each weekend that leaves you feeling recharged. Whether it's an exercise regimen, music or time with your family, following a ritual can energize you for the week ahead. Successful entrepreneurs know that, like a vehicle, they can not go far on empty. 

2. Spend time in solitude 

It gives you a chance to think, sort out problems and plan where you want to be in the future. This can be an excellent opportunity to free write or journal. Experts agree that free writing during regular scheduled times can lead to answers to problems, discovering new goals and insight into your direction for the future.

3. No devices for a day

Take a Saturday or Sunday and choose to unplug. Taking a break from your devices for a day is beneficial both mentally and physically. Constantly being connected and checking email, social media and the places you visit online can drain both your energy and your creativity. Choosing to release the hyper vigilance of being constantly connected creates allows you to live life in real time, resulting in fresh perspectives and a boost in productivity.

4. Reflect

What did you do well this past week and what did you do wrong? How will you be better in the week ahead? Reflecting on the past week offers the successful entrepreneur the opportunity to determine which activities to continue and which to let go. Reflection is a valuable investment of your time that will help you set the goals that will get you to the next level of success during the upcoming week.

5. Plan your week ahead

The successful entrepreneur doesn’t wait until Monday morning to plan for the week. Sunday is the perfect day to sit down and draw a plan. After spending time reflecting on the prior week, you will have a good idea of what you need and want to accomplish. Use this time to schedule important tasks, phone calls and face-to-face meetings that align with your goals. Planning out the entire week ahead as much as reasonably possible guards against missed opportunities and costly errors.
These five weekend habits appear so simple that you may be tempted to dismiss them as non-essential. But the entrepreneur that begins to add these habits to their weekend routine will find themselves steps ahead every Monday morning.

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