Words to Live by

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility comes from being superior to your former self.”― Ernest Hemingway

Wednesday 17 June 2015


50 Life Hacks Your Future Self Will Thank You For

What are the ultimate life hacks and strategies that really pay off?
Here are 50 of my best life hacks and strategies that have served me well.
These life hacks are the culmination of life experience, insight from mentors, personal development training, trial and error, and several hundred books.
I’ve also combined my life hacks with some powerful quotes to add an element of timeless wisdom.  I’ve also targeted strategies that can help you at different stages in life, whether you are just starting out, or you’ve been around the block.
If you feel you’ve lost your way, several of these life hacks and strategies will help you get back on path.  If you internalize these life hacks and put at least a few into action, you’ll give yourself an immediate and instant source of advantage.
As you explore the list, find three life hacks you can use right now to ignite a breakthrough or two, and take your life to the next level.

#50. Never Stop Learning

Learn from everyone and everything.
Be like a kid in the candy store and learn from everybody around you. (Especially yourself)
Everybody you know has their unique gifts. Learn from them, even if it means learning how NOT to do something.   Also, people like to share what they’re good at, so eat it up.
Never be above learning, and learn from every one you can.  Don’t let your ego get in the way, no matter how smart you are.
Focus on building your portable equity.  Your day is filled with learning opportunities if you are open to them.
You can teach an old dog new tricks. If you stay open.  If you keep trying new things.
You’re growing or dying.  There’s no in-between.
Never close your mind.  Stay open to new worlds and new possibilities.

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